Poster Programme
POSTER SESSION 1 – Tuesday, 22 July 2008, 13:00-14:00
Forum 1: Buildings and the Environment
Indoor thermal conditions in Iranian traditional architecture in hot arid climate
J Khodakarami*, N Nasrollahi: Ilam University, Iran
Conceptually clear heliodons: Powerful tools for solar responsive design
N Lechner, Auburn University, United States
A technology roadmap for capital projects: challenges and opportunities for architecture education
JA Vanegas*, MJ Clayton: Texas A&M University, USA
Sydney’s APEC summit siege: grounding the socio-political and ecological discussions in architectural education
BC Maturana¹*, S Mellersh-Lucas²: ¹University of Melbourne, Australia; ²Deakin University, Australia
How proper the advantages of using daylight in saving energy in Egyptian governmental daylit office buildings is taken, and why?
D Salem¹*, H Sadek²: ¹Ain Shams University, Egypt; ²Housing and Building Research Center, Egypt
Towards a carbon neutral city: Exploring future built environments in the current studio structure
LD Iulo: Pennsylvania State University, USA
Holistic earth tube heat exchanger design for specific locations
H Chavda*, F Stevenson: Oxford Brookes University, UK
The sustainable use of water as instrument for urban landscape: an environmental regeneration case-study
F Corsico, A Mazzotta*, M Robiglio: Polytechnic of Turin, Italy
Energy saving architecture by following the laws of nature
U Heine: Clemson University, USA
Originality in design of traditional water-raising buildings
A de Miranda: Milan, Italy
Sustaining grounds: new paradigms in campus design
DB Hill: North Carolina State University, USA
Sustainable vernacular architecture solutions using natural environmental resources (Case study: Hot regions of Iran)
F Soflaei Shahrbabak*, M Shokouhian: Islamic Azad University, Iran
Assessing sustainable adaptation of historic building to climate changes of Iran
A Mohammad Morad, M Akhtarkavan*: University of Science & Technology, Iran
Teaching architectural science in context
R Hyde: The University of Sydney, Australia
A service – learning pedagogy: quality homes for our communities
G Bizios*, K Wakeford: North Carolina State University, USA
Design for environment : Architecture that belongs to humanity
A Hafez: Institute of Hazrat Mohammad (SAW), Bangladesh
A building use model for assessing environmental impact
JY Song: University of Cambridge, UK
Spatial, environmental and occupational flexibility as sustainable parameters of urban housing
P Dou*, KA Steemers: University of Cambridge, UK
Design build programs as a teaching tool for sustainability
RT Gabbard: Kansas State University, USA
Research towards a better architectural daylight design
R Hammer*, P Holzer: Danube University Krems, Austria
The logics of sustainability re-envisioned: implications for architectural teaching and research
M McGlynn: Kansas State University, USA
Integrating vernacular passive-cooling systems into new and existing modern buildings in warm-dry climates of Iran
A Foruzanmehr: Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom
Forum 2: Studio Culture: Sustaining Education in a Climate of Change
To shelter or not to shelter? Shaping and nurturing creativity in early design studios
JB Thomas, Lehigh University, United States
Combining architecture and educational and environmental imperatives in innovative ways
D Hes, S Wilks*: The University of Melbourne, Australia
Studio 2020
I Solovyova¹*, U Nanda²: ¹UTSA, USA; ²American Art Resources, USA
Confirming conformity? Revisiting creativity in the design studio
L Koutsoumpos: University of Edinburgh, UK
Studio culture: Making sustainability the studio paradigm
J Stallmeyer*, L Dearborn: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Academic integrity and the architectural studio: inspiration vs. plagiarism
M Mostafa¹,²*, N Sherif¹,² *, M Nagib Abou Zeid²: ¹Cairo University, Egypt; ²American University in Cairo, Egypt
Changing the notion of Space for the notion of Medium in architectural teaching
R Martinez¹,²*, P Rutherford¹: ¹University of Nottingham, UK; ²USACH, Chile
Examining the impact of changing contexts of learning environment on the enhancement of students’ motivation for learning technologies of low energy construction
M Noguchi*, S Stewart, K Gonsalves: The Glasgow School of Art, UK
Teaching the culture of building: case study of an integrated design-build workshop
M Mehaffy: INTBAU USA, USA and Centre for Environmental Structure – Europe, UK
Bridging the gap: Architecture and planning in the design studio
T Gorst*, M Devereux: University of the West of England, UK
Coaching reflective designers
GK Missingham: The University of Melbourne, Australia
Experiments in the development of the studio culture experience
W Burford*, J Lonsdale: University of Gloucestershire, UK.
Studio culture: sustaining studio education in a climate of change
Z Batool: National College of Arts, Pakistan
The design studio: educating the architect
N Charalambous: University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Architecture as a genetic proposition: the transformation of studio education
RJ Koester: Ball State University, USA
B Dougan: Texas A&M University, USA
CURI Research Campus – Design Studio
H Bornholdt: Clemson University, USA
Project X: Student led and free running multi disciplinary design workshops - out of control and un-disciplined! No way!
G Bell*, J Carrick, C Longbottom, M Attard, Z Vrcelj: The University of New South Wales, Australia
Creating the group sense: Constructive learning-teaching studio environment
T Ulusu Uraz, B Özmen Mayer*: Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus
Challenging practice through changing values
AC Pooley: Cardiff University, UK
Architectural education and social perspectives: Establishing the human context of everyday urban life through design studios
D Oktay: Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus
Forum 3: Human Habitat and Social Responsibility
Sustainable Schools: Can participation make better learning environments? Can participation encourage sustainable behaviour?
A Wheeler: The University of Nottingham, UK
Building Research and Teaching in the 21st Century: Learning and Teaching Structures for Outdoor World – An Environment Friendly Model to Ecotourism
EH Mutubuki: University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe
Civic and urbane architecture: traditional and modernist lessons
PP Palazzo¹*, S Ficher²: ¹Centro Universitário Euro-Americano, Brazil; ²Universidade de Brasília, Brazil
Asleep at the switch: Architectural education for disaster response in the 21st century
SF Verderber: Clemson University, USA
Sustainable social situations: the contribution of Lina Bo Bardi
ZR Lima: Washington University in Saint Louis, USA
Institutional design: the welfare of the human race as a practical objective
DV Lindberg: Pennsylvania State University, USA
Initiative recover
A Canfora: University of Virginia, United States
Communicative strategies for informal architectural education
S Batra¹*, VC da Silveira²: ¹Politecnico di Torino, Italy; ²UNIVATES, Brazil
Creating social and economic value in the rural Indian housing of 21st century
BK Das: National Institute of Technology Patna, India
Sustainable housing – Studio teaching from real experience of Gujarat (India) earthquake
VR Shah*, MR Chauhan: CEPT University Ahmedabad, India
Considering the King’s sustainability philosophy and local practice for future studio teaching; a case of FACMU, Chiang Mai, Thailand
K Teeraparbwong*, K Wongwitkarn: Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Community, technology, and the land
D Neff: New York Institute of Technology, USA
Pedagogic techniques in vernacular architecture education: Comparative analysis of UK and Nigeria
WG Brisibe: University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Developing sustainable architecture education in Kuwait University: beginning from where the others ended
A Al-Hassan, S Dudek: University of Newcastle, UK
Forum 4: Refurbishment and Evidence Based Education
Environment-responsiveness in design through site orientation: A study of buildings in Abbottabad city, Pakistan
IA Shah, MW Shah*, S Ullah, I Ahmad, F Ullah, R Zeb, I Hussain: N-WFP University of Engineering and Technology Abbottabad, Pakistan
Humanizing education of building technology in architecture programs
C Manrique: Universidad del Valle, Colombia
Thermal comfort and student performance in a classroom
DM Ogoli: Judson University, USA
The 'live' project in architectural education
S Atkinson: The University of Texas, USA
Malaysia living traditional heritage: the Malay House
H Hazumi: International Islamic University, Malaysia
The refurbishment of Ipoh Railway Station, Perak, Malaysia: A case study
KS Kamal¹*, LA Wahab¹, AG Ahmad², S Shabri², SB Abd Karim³: ¹University Technology MARA, Malaysia; ²University Science, Malaysia; ³University of Manchester, UK
Preserving the architectural heritage in the refurbishment of Batu Gajah District Court Complex, Perak, Malaysia
LA Wahab¹*, KS Kamal¹, AG Ahmad², S Shabri², SB Abd Karim³: ¹University Technology MARA, Malaysia, ²University Science, Malaysia, ³University of Manchester, UK
Sustainable design through a systemic physical ambiences approach
C Demers*, A Potvin: Laval University School of Architecture, Canada
Designing a residential neighbourhood in the old texture of Yazd; A harmonic approach between the architecture, culture and environment
M Sadeghipour Roudsari: Shahid Beheshti University, Iran
Mind the gap! Resources to inspire architects of the future to restore buildings of the past
N Steketee*, L Lowell: Collège du Léman, Switzerland
Forum 5: Research into Teaching Courses
The aesthetics of technology
R Dunay: Virginia Polytechnic and State University, USA
The Glasgow Urban Laboratory
D Porter: The Glasgow School of Art, UK
Integrating creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship into design education
RC Hill, JA Vanegas*: Texas A&M University, USA
Graphic statics: teaching structures through design
MH Ramage: Cambridge University, UK
Design | Build | Research : Teaching architecture in post apartheid South Africa
I Low: University of Cape Town, South Africa
Master class: a reflective practice design studio
V North¹*, R Martin¹, P Plowright¹, S Williamson², B Williamson²: ¹Lawrence Technological University, USA; ²Williamson/Williamson, Canada
Architectural composition in teaching architectural design: the state of the art
M Trisciuoglio: Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Teaching about meaning in architecture
J Sewell: Boston University, USA
Prolegomena to a didactics of architecture
S Melissinopoulos: University of Edinburgh, UK
Is climate change the last chance to bring design and research back together?
F Lara: University of Michigan Ann Arbor, USA
Critical Environmentalism - re-structuring the epistemological framework for architectural education
CK Anz: Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, USA
Generating socio-economic value from an eco-logic approach to design education
D Prashad: INTBAU International Network for Traditional Building Architecture and Urbanism, India
Deep into projecting
B Moncada: Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela
Remaking of Mumbai city – A sustainability design
S Ninawe: LS Raheja School of Architecture, India
Architecture and design education: a building process model for creating buildings which 'live'
K Pontikis: California State University Northridge, USA
Action-based interprofessional learning and teaching: communication and consultancy skills for architecture
MA Schnabel*, ELC Howe: University of Sydney, Australia
Teaching Civic Concinnity: How towns emerge
MC Childs, University of New Mexico, USA
Holistic inventories of sustainable design of buildings in the historic city of Allahabad for consequent re-generation
D Kumar Dwivedi, University of Allahabad, India
CitySection: a web-based environment for urban research
A Johnston: Wentworth Institute of Technology Boston, USA
Making it real: integrating design and construction teaching
M Gjerde: Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
POSTER SESSION 2 – Wednesday, 23 July 2008, 12:45-13:45
Forum 6: Buildings and Cities
Are urban planners visionaries, or infrastructure operatives?
A Potter: John McAslan + Partners, UK
Mapping urbanism
K Hutzell: Carnegie Mellon University, USA
The urban laboratory: community design in architectural education
J Kline*, K Hutzell, R E Samahy, L Rico-Gutierrez: Carnegie Mellon University, USA
An Inquiry into the relation of 'space and society': Discussing the works of Henri Lefebvre (1971) and Bill Hillier (1984)
K Patel: University of Michigan, USA
Energy consumption of domestic new build and the availability of onsite incident energy resources: Implications on providing net-zero CO2 urban environments
I Hamilton: Fulcrum Consulting, UK
Cities and buildings
NM David: Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Nigeria
Sustained patterns
HAA Abdul-Shaheed: Babylon University, Iraq
Urban design for architects: Global education and local implementations
SO Hoskara: Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus
Towards an Urban Renaissance: Development of an architectural language at Upton
BM Edgar¹,²: ¹The Prince’s Foundation for the Built Environment, UK; ²English Partnerships, UK
Designing the carrot city - Food security and the design of sustainable buildings and cities
M Gorgolewski*, J Komisar, J Nasr: Ryerson University, Canada
Urban planning features in Lithuania
M Burinskiene*, J Venckauskaite: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania
Forum 7: Schools and Professional Views
To lead or to be lead?
I Solovyova¹*, U Nanda²: ¹UTSA, USA; ²American Art Resources, USA
Educational collaboration with the architectural profession
L Lazzari, J-P Scalabre, AM Joyce*: Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE), Belgium
Fostering environmental + social action in the 21st Century Design Studio
P Crisman: University of Virginia, USA
Architecture divided: the three option curriculum for US education
MJ Clayton: Texas A&M University, USA
A study about the significance of practice in the architecture education
'Design-Build Studio by Yildiz Technical Universit-ICUS Faculty of Architecture-2006: Primary School Construction in Anatolia'
ZG Unal: Yildiz Technical University, Turkey
Will architects be left behind in an age of accelerating change?
R Hill: Texas A&M University, USA
Forum 8: Materials and Renewable Energy
Integrating material culture into foundation design studios
R Arens: California Polytechnic State University, USA
On site renewable energy generation – a practical proposition or complete folly?
CDF Matson: RYB Konsult, UK
‘Solar Cube’ ETSAV – a project for teaching, researching and monitoring on building integrated photovoltaic
T Masseck*¹ F Iglesias²: ¹Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain; ²University Ramon Llull, Spain
Forum 9: Virtual Building and Generative Design
Environmental stewardship through visualization and meditation training in architecture pedagogy
CA Matz: New York Institute of Technology, USA
Investigation/yranslation: Teaching an introductory digital studio with analog breakouts
R Trempe: Temple University, USA
Designing with the flow
U Passe: Iowa State University, USA
A building energy consumption simulation toward the application of sustainable design strategies. Case Study: Watt Hall
SH Lin*, T Spiegelhater, M Schiler, C Kappeller: University of Southern California, USA
A web-based resource guide for sustainability tools and methods for undergraduate architecture students
S Marathe*¹, K Kensek¹, M Schiler¹, M Milne²: ¹University of Southern California, USA, ²University of California at Los Angeles, USA
The sovereignty of form and studio: educational discovery in the age of interactive emergence
SF Martin: Virginia Tech, USA
Can virtual crits promote reflective conversation?
R Abdellatif: University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Forum 10: Design Research
The hero designer: Self-identity, rationalization and the role of grade inflation in undergraduate architectural education
L Bachman*¹, C Bachman²: ¹The University of Houston-Central, USA
²The University of Houston-Downtown, USA
Resetting the agenda for architectural education with an alternative approach to architecture
JP Grunau, C Hemberger*, W Schoenwandt: University of Stuttgart, Germany
Resetting theory to achieve a pertinent architecture
F Loyola Nagelis: Universidad de Chile, Chile
Revamping humanities education in architecture - Creating a sense of purpose
K Das: CEPT Ahmedabad, India
Evolving representation techniques in schools of architecture
L Farrelly: University of Portsmouth, UK
Multi-stream approach to teaching design theory
O Faruque: Cal Poly, USA
Thresholds of memory: The Art of Memory and its application on buildings of knowledge
V Estrada: University of South Florida, USA
Aesthetic for the 21st Century
G Sarin: Swanke Hayden Connell Architects, UK
Learning from modernism
M Margalith¹,²: ¹UNESCO Chair on Modern Heritage; ²Tel Aviv University, Israel
Forum 11: Courses and Curricula
The learning organisation and the evolution of practice academy concepts
MJ Malecha: College of Design at North Carolina State University, USA
Enquiring envelopes: speculative environmental technology in part 1 education
AC Wilson: Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Challenging mimesis: re-envisioning architectural education in the Indian subcontinent
S Bhattacharjee²,³, A Sane¹,³,4,5,6*: ¹LBHSS Trust’s College of Architecture; ²University of Mumbai, India; ³Council of Architecture, India; 4University College London, UK; 5Charles Wallace Research Fellow 2006-07, UK; 6INTBAU, UK & India
Accessible architectural education through distance learning - a Canadian model
WJ Ferwerda: University of Guelph, Canada